Control Zone Gaming Deskpad XL Extended
Spread Out and Game On
Stratagem's Control Zone XL deskpads keep you comfortable and in control throughout long game sessions. Available in three spacious sizes, lay down a deskpad under your keyboard and mouse, even your monitor or laptop, then spread out and game on.
Why You'll Love It: Crafted with soft and durable uncoated microfiber built for control, the low-profile 3mm thickness keeps mouse lifts minimal while still providing excellent cushioning and wrist support. The microfiber's fine texture and steady glide maintains mouse momentum and improves tracking on both low and high sensitivities, while the non-slip rubber backing stays put during frenetic combat. The deskpad's edges are reinforced with high-contrast red stitching to maintain shape and increase longevity.
Three Spacious Sizes:
XL Original -- 27.5" x 15.5" x 3mm -- The original Control Zone deskpad, with lots of room to roam
XL Extended -- 35.5" x 15.5" x 3mm-- Same width as our original deskpad with 8 extra inches of length
XXL Colossus -- 47" x 21.5" x 3mm -- Our largest deskpad, the Colossus towers over the competition